
 A self-guided interviewing coaching system for job seekers. 

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Master the interview process for life 

A paradigm shift from the prevailing advice and opinions

InterviewCoach could change your career trajectory...and your life

InterviewCoach System

6 Steps to Master Your Interview

InterviewCoach will lead you through the 6 steps that will teach you how to take control over your interview and turn it into a sales call. With this innovative self-guided system you will learn how to guide the conversation, answer questions succinctly, and position yourself as the best candidate. With the InterviewCoach, you will have the skills and confidence to win more of your interviews.

1. Preparation 

60% of the job search process is won in the interview. Learn the myths about job searching and interviewing.

  • Gain the expertise to turn the interview into a sales call with confidence and guide the conversation with effective timing and structure.
  • Master how to read a job description, understand what is most important, and how to use it to prepare you for your interview.
  • Discover what company information is most important in interview preparation.
  • Grasp the importance of interviewer research. Each interviewer has their own objective. Prepare for each interviewer based on what is most important to them.

2. Marketability Lists

This critical exercise will identify your marketable skills and create an inventory matrix.
  • Learn how to message effectively with list creation.
  • You will learn how to create lists that prepare you to answer any question succinctly and confidently.
  • How to prepare for common questions the easy way.
  • Gain best practices to answer common questions easily and efficiently.

3. Message Coach Mastery

Learn how to organize your skills in a message library to sell your background and strengths to common and expected questions.

  • Master the structured messaging technique including the message, delivery and timing.
  • Using the SOAR storytelling formula, you will wow the interviewer with succinct memorable stories.
  • Control the interview from the beginning to the end using innovative questioning techniques.
  • Learn the three ways to make your interview a two-way conversational meeting.
  • Build chemistry and rapport with your interviewers using key vocal communication techniques.
  • Preempt weaknesses. Overcome your liabilities and weaknesses with proactively planned responses.

4. The Structured Interview Technique 

Master the 3 part interview - the opening, the sell cycle and the close.

  • Discover the special technique to understand exactly what criteria is most important to each interviewer so that you can respond to those points.
  • Understand how to control the Q&A dialogue to ensure you have responded with sufficient detail.
  • Learn the secret to flushing out any concerns to ensure you have any opportunity to respond to any hesitations that the interviewer has with you as a candidate.
  • Master the proven closing technique to best ensure you continue to the next step in the process. 

5. The Delivery Execution Plan

Learn the specific best practices for 12 types of interviews using techniques to ensure you are ready to give your best delivery. 

  • Confidently master the 3 messaging techniques that will keep the attention of your interviewer.
  • Vocal communication techniques. Build chemistry and rapport with your interviewers using these vocal communication techniques.
  • Be intentional with your timing to ensure you are spending the right amount of time on each part of the interview.

6. The Review & Evaluation

Time is of the essence. Immediately after your interview reflect and document what went right or wrong.

  • Use the Career Oyster review sheet to capture what you did well in the interview and where you can make improvements the next time.
  • Implement the followup strategies that continue to give you the competitive edge.
  • Use these preemptive techniques to take the best next steps following your interview.

"I wish I knew this unique interviewing system 20 years ago!"

-Rob W

Why wait?

Don't lose another day or another bad interview. Be proactive. Sign up today to learn the InterviewCoach system to win your next interview and uplevel the trajectory of your career!

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